Filed under: 350000 National Security Letters Written Secret FISA, 911 How the US changed from a Republic to a Terrorist-State, Abuse, American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, American History, Attempted Murder, Brave New World, Breakdown of Society, CIA & DOD Human Research Experiments, CIA DOD FBI NSA Murders for Hire and Personal Robbery, CIA FBI ABUSE OF POWER, CIVIL LIBERTIES, COINTELPRO, Cover-ups Murders, Crimes Against Democracy, Daily Posts, Directed Energy Weapons, DoD, DOD Directives Human Subjects Experimentations, Electromagnetic Frequencies, Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, EMF, EML, Emotional Distortion, Exposing Exploitation, False Flagg, George Orwell Big Brother, Health, ILLEGAL IMPLANTS in US & ABROAD, Jealous Hatred, Lawless in America, Microwave, MKULTRA SECRET CIA BLACK BUDGET USA, Mobbing, Murder, New Monarch and Phoenix Programs, NWO SCIENCE, Organized Stalking, Orwell, PATRIOT ACTS I II III, Perpetrators, Politics, Psychological & Medical Science US Military, Psychological Operations, Quiet Suffering, Radiation Experimentation and Harassment, Reading Room: Microwave, Remote Neural Monitoring, Secret Black Projects, Sick CIA Science Used on Citizens in Silence, Stalking, State-sponsored terrorism (Not Regular US CItizens), Surveillance, Surveillance Issues, TARGETED INDIVIDUALS, TARGETED INDIVIDUALS STORIES, Targeted Individuals Used as Guinia Pigs, Tesla, The DOD Directive Medical Monitors Researchers (Under the Guise of Natl Security), Threat Assessment, TI, Traitors, Truth Teller, Truth-Telling, Tyranny, U.S. Human Experimentation as Human Guinia Pigs Referenced online Books, U.S. Military Lethal Harassment & Domestic Terrorism Since 911, U.S. Traitors, unlawful, US Human Subjects Human Experimentation, US Medical Experimentations, US Patriot Act Lethal Weapons Research, US Totalitarian Dissent, USA, Victims Fighting the Corrupt System, Victims of the Patriot Act, War on Terror, weapon testings Tagged: Politics
Filed under: 350000 National Security Letters Written Secret FISA, 911 How the US changed from a Republic to a Terrorist-State, Abuse, American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, American History, Attempted Murder, Brave New World, Breakdown of Society, CIA & DOD Human Research Experiments, CIA DOD FBI NSA Murders for Hire and Personal Robbery, CIA FBI ABUSE OF POWER, CIVIL LIBERTIES, COINTELPRO, Cover-ups Murders, Crimes Against Democracy, Daily Posts, Directed Energy Weapons, DoD, DOD Directives Human Subjects Experimentations, Electromagnetic Frequencies, Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, EMF, EML, Emotional Distortion, Exposing Exploitation, False Flagg, George Orwell Big Brother, Health, ILLEGAL IMPLANTS in US & ABROAD, Jealous Hatred, Lawless in America, Microwave, MKULTRA SECRET CIA BLACK BUDGET USA, Mobbing, Murder, New Monarch and Phoenix Programs, NWO SCIENCE, Organized Stalking, Orwell, PATRIOT ACTS I II III, Perpetrators, Politics, Psychological & Medical Science US Military, Psychological Operations, Quiet Suffering, Radiation Experimentation and Harassment, Reading Room: Microwave, Remote Neural Monitoring, Secret Black Projects, Sick CIA Science Used on Citizens in Silence, Stalking, State-sponsored terrorism (Not Regular US CItizens), Surveillance, Surveillance Issues, TARGETED INDIVIDUALS, TARGETED INDIVIDUALS STORIES, Targeted Individuals Used as Guinia Pigs, Tesla, The DOD Directive Medical Monitors Researchers (Under the Guise of Natl Security), Threat Assessment, TI, Traitors, Truth Teller, Truth-Telling, Tyranny, U.S. Human Experimentation as Human Guinia Pigs Referenced online Books, U.S. Military Lethal Harassment & Domestic Terrorism Since 911, U.S. Traitors, unlawful, US Human Subjects Human Experimentation, US Medical Experimentations, US Patriot Act Lethal Weapons Research, US Totalitarian Dissent, USA, Victims Fighting the Corrupt System, Victims of the Patriot Act, War on Terror, weapon testings Tagged: Politics